SharePoint PDF Service Documentation


PDF documents from one or multiple connected lists
Add content as text, image, PDF, hyperlink or EAN13 barcode
Simple, automatic listings or configured layouts
Lightweight implementation with Ajax/JSON
Supports multiple languages
For all Versions of SharePoint 2013 and 2010


Use this solution, if you want to create PDF documents directly from SharePoint data, Lists and Document Libraries. Use other great products, like the Muhimbi PDF Converter for SharePoint, if you want to convert already available documents to PDF. This solution is based on the amazing PDFsharp and MigraDoc Foundation Open Source library (WPF build) with minor customizations.


Open a SharePoint PowerShell window and add the solution with Add-SPSolution <wsp-file>. In SharePoint Central Administration deploy the farm solution. To activate/register your license, start the License Manager application on the server (run as Administrator) and activate/register your license.

Feature activation

This solution contains 3 SharePoint Features providing the same functionality. One at Farm level, one at Site Collection level and one at Site level. Just activate one at the level that is appropriate for you. Activating a Feature does nothing more than adding a JavaScript link to the pages using a AdditionalPageHead Control.

Create List "PDF Configuration"

Create a Custom List with the name PDF Configuration in each Web you want to use the PDF service. Add a Column to the List with the name Configuration and the following settings:

Optionally you can add a Column to the List with the name Published and the following settings:

PDF Configuration on a List

We now add a PDF configuration to a List, so the additional menu item Create PDF appears on the list items with the submenu item of our PDF configuration.

Add a Item to the List PDF Configuration. The Title will be shown in the menu.
In the column Configuration add this JSON object:

   "lists": [
         "listname": "[listname]"

Replace [listname] with the name of your List.

Optionally (recommended) add a View to the List. The name of the View must be the Title of your configuration Item. Select all the Columns you want to see in the PDF.

This is the simplest form of a PDF configuration and will create a PDF document like this.

Connected Lists

Connecting Lists allows you to use hierarchical data in the PDF documents like this:

    Order 1
        Order Item 1
        Order Item 2
    Order 2
        Order Item 1
        Order Item 2

Sample of a JSON configuration object with 3 hierarchical connected lists:

   "lists": [
         "listname": "Customers"
         "listname": "Orders",
         "field": "Customer",
         "parentlist": "Customers",
         "parentfield": "ID"
         "listname": "Order Items",
         "field": "Order0",
         "parentlist": "Orders",
         "parentfield": "ID"

Each connection of a List is defined by the following properties:

field The internal name of the field in the list with the value
parentlist The name of the parent list
parentfield The internal name of the field in the parent list with the value

If SharePoint lookup fields are used, always use ID as the value for parentfield. You can use any field name, without SharePoint lookup connections.

Final step
On each connected List, create a View with the name of the configuration and select the Columns you want to show.

This sample will create a PDF document like this. You can start it from any of the 3 Lists.

Start Lists

You can use any List not involved in the PDF output to start the PDF. The same rules apply for Start Lists as for Connected Lists (see above).

Sample of a JSON configuration object with a configured Start List:

   "lists": [
   "startlists": [
         "listname": "Start List",
         "field": "Value",
         "parentlist": "Customers",
         "parentfield": "ID"

Page Setups

Multiple Page Setup objects can be configured. The object with the name Normal is the standard Page Setup.

Sample of a JSON configuration object with a configured Page Setup:

   "lists": [
   "startlists": [
   "pagesetups": [
         "name": "Normal",
         "pageformat": "A4",
         "height": 297,
         "width": 210,
         "orientation": "Portrait",
         "topmargin": 70,
         "rightmargin": 15,
         "bottommargin": 60,
         "leftmargin": 25,
         "headerdistance": 5,
         "footerdistance": 15,
         "backgroundpdf": "~/PDF Assets/PDF1.pdf",
         "imagewidth": 35,
         "imagemaxdpi": 600


Multiple Style objects can be configured. The object with the name Normal is the standard Style.

Sample of a JSON configuration object with a configured Style:

   "lists": [
   "startlists": [
   "pagesetups": [
   "styles": [
         "name": "Normal",
         "font": {
            "name": "Open Sans Light",
            "size": 3.5,
            "color": "FF000000",
            "bold": false,
            "italic": false
         "paragraph": {
            "leftindent": 0,
            "rightindent": 0,
            "linespacing": 5.25,
            "spacebefore": 0,
            "spaceafter": 0,
            "alignment": "Left",
            "shadingcolor": "00000000",
            "shadingradius": 0,
            "bordertop": {
               "width": 0,
               "distance": 0,
               "color": "FF000000"
            "borderright": {
               "width": 0,
               "distance": 0,
               "color": "FF000000"
            "borderbottom": {
               "width": 0,
               "distance": 0,
               "color": "FF000000"
            "borderleft": {
               "width": 0,
               "distance": 0,
               "color": "FF000000"


The Content object hierarchy allows you to define the content.

Sample of a JSON configuration object with configured Content:

   "lists": [
   "startlists": [
   "pagesetups": [
   "styles": [
   "content": [
         "type": "Section",
         "pagesetup": "Normal",
         "items": [
               "template": "Table",
               "items": [
                     "template": "Row",
                     "items": [
                          "template": "Column",
                           "items": [
                                "type": "Paragraph",
                                 "items": [
                                       "type": "Object",
                                       "width": 90

Configuration Objects

Description of the configuration objects.


lists Array of objects, first of type RootList, following of type ConnectedList. Mandatory with the first object RootList.
startlists Array of objects ConnectedList. Optional.
pagesetups Array of objects PageSetup. Optional.
styles Array of objects Style. Optional.
content Array of objects Content. Optional. If configured, disables automatic layout mode and runs in configured layout mode.


listname Name of the list.
allbyview All items by view or just the selected, true or false. Optional.


listname Name of the list.
field Internal name of the field in the list with the value.
parentlist Name of the parent list.
parentfield Internal name of the field in the parent list with the value.


name Name of the PageSetup. Normal is the name of the standard PageSetup.
pageformat Name of the Page Format. Optional. Available options: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, Letter, Legal. If height and width are configured, pageformat is ignored.
height Height of the page in millimeter. Optional.
width Width of the page in millimeter. Optional.
orientation Name of the Page Orientation. Optional. Available options: Portrait, Landscape.
topmargin Top margin in millimeter. Optional.
rightmargin Right margin in millimeter. Optional.
bottommargin Bottom margin in millimeter. Optional.
leftmargin Left margin in millimeter. Optional.
headerdistance Header distance in millimeter. Optional.
footerdistance Footer distance in millimeter. Optional.
Different Header/Footer on first page, true or false. Optional.
backgroundpdf Url to the background PDF. Optional. The Url can start with http or / or ~/ (site relative).
Url to the background PDF of the first page. Optional. The Url can start with http or / or ~/ (site relative).
imagewidth Default width of the images in millimeter. Optional.
imagemaxdpi Maximum dpi of the images. Optional.


name Name of the style. Normal is the name of the standard style. Inheritance hierarchy of internal styles:
font Object Font. Optional.
paragraph Object Paragraph. Optional.


name Name of the Font. All Fonts installed on the server can be used by using their internal name.
size Size of the Font in millimeter. Optional.
color The Color in hexadecimal form with transparency as a string. For example "FF000000" represents full black. Optional.
bold Bold, true or false. Optional.
italic Italic, true or false. Optional.


leftindent Left indent in millimeter. Optional.
rightindent Right indent in millimeter. Optional.
linespacing Line spacing in millimeter. Optional.
spacebefore Space before in millimeter. Optional.
spaceafter Space after in millimeter. Optional.
alignment Name of the Alignment. Optional. Available options: Left, Center, Right, Justify.
shadingcolor The Shading Color in hexadecimal form with transparency as a string. For example "FF000000" represents full black. Optional.
shadingradius Shading Radius in millimeter. Optional.
keeptogether Keep together on one page, true or false. Optional.
keepwithnext Keep with next on one page, true or false. Optional.
bordertop Top Border, object Border. Optional.
borderright Right Border, object Border. Optional.
borderbottom Bottom Border, object Border. Optional.
borderleft Left Border, object Border. Optional.
tabstops Array of objects TabStop. Optional.


width Width in millimeter. Optional.
distance Distance in millimeter. Optional.
color The Color in hexadecimal form with transparency as a string. For example "FF000000" represents full black. Optional.


position Position in millimeter. Optional.
alignment Name of the Alignment. Optional. Available options: Left, Center, Right, Decimal.


This is a multi-purpose object in a object hierarchy. Click a configuration option to get more information.

type Name of the Type. Available options: Section Paragraph Text Image ImageText Hyperlink PDF EAN13 Tab LineBreak LineBreakIf PageBreak Object Table Row Column
Must be at the root level. At least one object must be specified. Blue options can be subitems.
Must be a subitem of type Section or Column. Blue options can be subitems.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph.
Must be a subitem of type Section.
Must be a subitem of type Paragraph and a template Column.
Must be a subitem of type Section. Blue options can be subitems.
Must be a subitem of type Table. Blue options can be subitems.
Must be a subitem of type Row. Blue options can be subitems.
astype Name of the Type to use for type=Object. Available options: Default Image ImageText Hyperlink PDF EAN13
location Location. Available options: Text Header Footer HeaderFirstPage FooterFirstPage
position Position. Available options: Normal AbsolutePage AbsolutePosition
template Data Template. Available options: None Table Row Column
top Top Position in millimeter.
left Left Position in millimeter.
height Height in millimeter.
width Width in millimeter.
style Name of the Style object.
pagesetup Name of the PageSetup object.
text Text of the Item.
url URL of the Item.
format A standard .NET Format String for Decimal and DateTime values. Formatting Types in the .NET Framework
columns Array of objects Column for a Table.
items Array of objects Content.


width Width in millimeter.