Theme X Responsive Questions and Answers

Posted: 8 years ago Quote #37
No there is not an any customization
Posted: 8 years ago Quote #38
The error you encountered is related to your environment/setup and not this theme. It's not possible to help you, if you don't want to provide in detail informations about your environment.
Best regards, Peter
Software Developer
Posted: 8 years ago Quote #39
Hi ! Thx for great theme ))) I wonder is there any option to add meta tags in the topic header?
Posted: 8 years ago Quote #40
Topic pages should work as expected. You can add meta tags.
Best regards, Peter
Software Developer
Posted: 8 years ago Quote #41
But where I have to add  it?

<meta property="og:image" content="" />

something like this
Posted: 8 years ago Quote #42
I mean that <meta> is straightly deleted from header (header is created according instruction as a separate topic)
Posted: 8 years ago Quote #43
Oh, I understand. No, this is not possible with nopCommerce out of the box. You have to develop a custom solution.
Best regards, Peter
Software Developer
Posted: 8 years ago Quote #44
Peter wrote:
Oh, I understand. No, this is not possible with nopCommerce out of the box. You have to develop a custom solution.

I am a little bit new to this stuff, can you please give an idea how to get this solution working for topic pages? Thx.
Posted: 8 years ago Quote #45
Dmitry wrote:
Oh, I understand. No, this is not possible with nopCommerce out of the box. You have to develop a custom solution.

I am a little bit new to this stuff, can you please give an idea how to get this solution working for topic pages? Thx.

No, sorry, this is far beyond to give some quick advice. Ask in the the nopCommerce community forum, you have a good chance, that someone has done this already and can be of help for you.
Best regards, Peter
Software Developer
Posted: 7 years ago Quote #46
Peter wrote:
The error you encountered is related to your environment/setup and not this theme. It's not possible to help you, if you don't want to provide in detail informations about your environment.

Hello, thank you for producing a free of charge nopcommerce template

I have also the same error
( first error encountered was <add namespace="Nop.Web.Framework.UI.Captcha" /> in web.config )
corrected with  --> <add namespace="Nop.Web.Framework.Security.Captcha" />
My  environment
Visual Studio 2017  ( default installation )
Nopcommerce 3.8  ( source code )

Same error is :
Ligne 288 :    var roles = WorkContext.CurrentCustomer.CustomerRoles.Where(x => x.Active && x.Name == "Administrators");

_Root.cshtml(288,17): error CS0103: The name 'WorkContext' does not exist in the current context
