Blog posts tagged with 'Theme 'X''

Theme 'X' FAQ

What Browsers are Supported?

The theme has been tested with modern browsers: IE9/10, latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera.
It works with IE8 and IE7 with minor visual issues. It doesn't works with IE6.

How do I install the Theme?

See this guide how to install a theme: nopCommerce Designer's Guide

How can I use the Theming Engine?

After your purchase, you can use the Theming Engine to customize the colors of the Theme. It's free available, so you can use it as many times you want. To use the theming engine, please go to our test shop:
Hover over the tab at the left side, set your colors, copy out the generatet code at the bottom and paste it into your colors.css file. You need a modern browser to use the theming engine (at least IE9).

How can I change the Logo?

Create a logo image in png format with transparent background, name it logo.png and copy/overwrite it in the images folder of the theme.

How can I add my own Background Image?

You can add a background image the following way:
Copy your background image into the images folder of the theme.
Sample backgrounds of our test shop: Sample1 Sample2 Sample3
Open styles.css in the folder of the theme, search for the class “master-wrapper-page” and add the image.
Sample with Image 1:
.master-wrapper-page{background:url(images/bg1.jpg) no-repeat center -300px;min-width:1024px;}
Sample with Image 2:
.master-wrapper-page{background:url(images/bg2.jpg) repeat-y center top;min-width:1024px;}
Sample with Image 3:
.master-wrapper-page{background:url(images/bg3.jpg) no-repeat center 40px;min-width:1024px;}

How can I style the Menu like this?

Open styles.css in the folder of the theme, and search/change the following 2 lines of CSS classes:
.header-menu a{color:#FFF;text-decoration:none;vertical-align: top;padding:7px 10px; outline: 0;background-color:#416596;background-image:url(images/gradient60.png) repeat-x;border-radius:3px;}

This Theme fits most of my needs, but not all. What can I do?

Contact us, we will provide you the solution exactly as per your requirement.